Right to Information

Disclosures under Section 4(1)(b) of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

About the Act

The Government of India has enacted “Right to Information Act 2005” to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of Public Authorities in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of any public authority.

For more details visit: rti.gov.in

Guide on RTI

1. About Organization

Please visit www.nism.ac.in

a. Organizational Structure

Besides Administration Departments, CCB-2 reports to the Director through the Registrar.


b. Institute working hours

Administration: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Monday to Friday) Saturday and Sunday – Weekly Off.

Library Timings
Days Issue / Return Hours Library Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM 9:00 AM-12:00 PM
Saturday -Sunday Closed 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

2. Powers and Duties of Officers

The Board of Governors is the apex authority provides direction, makes rules and regulations for functioning of NISM.

The Director shall be the whole-time and executive officer of the Institute and shall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of the Institute and implement the decisions of all the authorities of the Institute. HoDs shall assist the Director in capacity building, skill development and administrative work.

Registrar is the custodian of the records, the funds of the Institute and such other property of the Institute as the Board may commit to his charge and conduct the official correspondence on behalf of the authorities of the Institute.

Other officers and staff of the Institute assume powers, responsibilities and duties as assigned to them from time to time by the Director/Registrar.

For more details, see Rules and Regulations of the Institute

3. Procedure followed in decision-making process

The Board of Governors approves annual budget and activities within the scope and objectives of the Institute. The Director shall implement the approved plan and activities. The Academic Council provides direction with regard to Academic and Research Activities. Registrar shall assist the Director in all the administrative matters. HoDs and Programme Coordinators shall implement long-term and other Programmes of the Institute as per procedures laid down in the Rules of the Institute.

The Institute takes decision regarding administrative matters, students’ affairs, staff affairs, finance, facilities of the Institute and infrastructure with set of guidelines approved by the Board.

4. Details of norms set by the Institute for discharge of its functions:

As per the Rules and Regulations of the NISM 2004.

5. Rules and Regulations and Memorandum of Association

6. Statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control

Annual Report
Institute Brochure
Administrative Office Orders/ Decisions and Guidelines as approved by Institutes’
Governing Body i.e. Board of Governors (BOG) and Academic Council.

7. Particulars of arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof;-


8. Council, Board, Committees and other Bodies.

Following are the Main Committees / Governing body of the Institute:


9. List of Officers and Employees


10. Pay Structure of Institute Staff


11. Budget Allocation

For the past several years, no grant (Plan and Non-Plan) is availed by the Institute from any Govt or Government Body annually. Institute makes its own budget as per activity plan within its resources available, and the same is approved by the Board of Governors.

12. Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it;-

13. Information available in Electronic Form

All relevant information about Institute activities are available in our website.

14. The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use;

Library is not for Public Use.

15. Annual Reports

16. Appellate Authority:

Shri. Sunil Kadam

National Institute of Securities Markets

Plot No. IS 1 & IS 2, Patalganga Industrial Area,
Mohopada, Rasayani, District Raigad,
Near Navi Mumbai, Maharastra – 410222.
Board Line: + 91- 2192-668300/01

Public Information Officer:

Shri. Sanjay Dhakite
General Manager – Legal & Compliance

National Institute of Securities Markets
Plot No. IS 1 & IS 2, Patalganga Industrial Area,
Mohopada, Rasayani, District Raigad,
Near Navi Mumbai, Maharastra – 410222.
Board Line: + 91- 2192-668300/01