Workshop on Overview of Securities Markets

The Workshop on “Overview of Securities Markets” was held during February 02-06, 2015 at Hotel IBIS, Trubhe, Navi Mumbai for the benefit of RBI Officers from various part of India and other Market Participants. The prime objective of workshop was to make participants aware and update on the basic concepts, processes and regulations of Securities Market. The topics discussed include Evolution and Current Status of Indian Securities Market, Concepts and Terminologies of Securities Market, Primary and Secondary Market, Securities Market Intermediaries, Scams in Securities Market, Insider Trading, Mutual Fund, Handling of Investors Grievances in SEBI, Risk Management, Trading on Stock Exchange – Live through Simulator. The Speakers were the persons of eminence including Senior Professionals having experience of handling key positions in SEBI. The program got inaugurated in the hands of Shri G.P. Garg, Registrar, NISM, Shri Suresh Gupta, CGM, SEBI and Shri Sahil Malik, Faculty, NISM and Valedictory address delivered by Shri Sandip Ghose, Director, NISM.