Workshop on Mutual Funds and Wealth Management

Workshop on Mutual Funds and Wealth Management

November 14-16, 2019 | NISM Campus, Patalganga

The School of Investor Education and Financial Literacy (SIEFL) conducted a three day Workshop on Mutual funds and Wealth Management for SBI Officers during November 14-16, 2019 at NISM Campus, Patalganga. The program was inaugurated by Shri. Sunil Kadam, Registrar NISM. Shri Rajat Chattopadhyay Zonal Head SBI Mutual Funds , Prof. K Sukumaran, Dean NISM and Shri Ajay Mittal, Vice President, SBI MF spoke during the function.

There were 18 SBI MF officers who participated and the Certificate of Participation was issued to all the participants at the end of the programme.