Workshop on ‘Commodities Market – an Overview’ NISM Bhavan, Navi Mumbai

The Training Programme on ‘Commodities Market – An Overview’ was held during July 14-15, 2016 at NISM Premises, Vashi, Navi Mumbai for SEBI Officials.
The broad objective of the programme was to ensure that the participants get adequate knowledge and exposure in understanding the nuances of the operation of the Commodities Market in India.
The topics covered, among others, were Commodities Market in India: Origin & Evolution; Mechanics of Commodity Futures Contracts; Discovery of Settlement Prices for Commodity Futures;Monitoring and Surveillance mechanism in Commodities Market;Functioning and Regulation of Commodity Exchanges in India and in other Developed Markets;Warehouse Receipts – Accredited Warehouses, Warehouse Service Providers, Warehouse Receipt Financing and its Regulatory Framework; Commodities Market in India the Road Ahead– Issues, Challenges and Opportunities (based on the past experiences from both Domestic as well as from other Developed Markets), Hands-on training of trading in commodities market through Simulator Lab etc.
The Speakers for the programme were the persons of eminence including Senior Professionals having experience in handling matters relating to Commodities Market in India.