Workshop on ‘Collective Investment Schemes and Allied Acts & Regulations’ NISM Bhavan, Vashi, Navi Mumbai | August 01-02, 2016

The Training Programme on ‘Collective Investment Schemes and Allied Acts & Regulations’ was held during August 01-02, 2016 at NISM Premises, Vashi, Navi Mumbai for SEBI Officials.
The broad objectives of the programme were to ensure that the participants get adequate knowledge and exposure in understanding the nuances of theCollective Investment Schemes in India and to initiate discussion on its regulatory provisions and other allied Acts and Regulations.
The topics covered in the programme were Regulatory Overview of Collective Investment Schemes in India, Regulatory Perspectives – Issues, Challenges and Opportunities,Regulatory outlook on Collective Investment Schemes / Ponzi Schemes / MLM, Deposit-taking activities by Companies, Chit Funds , Nidhi/ Mutual Benefit Societies etc. andLegal Aspects of CIS and Case Laws.
The Speakers for the programme were the persons of eminence including Senior Professionals having experience in handling matters relating to CIS.