Visit NISM Programme -Defence Services officers College of Defence Studies, Secunderabad December -10, 2018 NISM campus, Patalganga

SRSS had conducted half day Visit NISM Programme on December 10,2018 at NISM Campus, Patalganga. The Programme was inaugurated by Mr.K. Sukumaran (Dean Incharge SSE & Dean SIEFL) .14 senior officials from army have attended the Programme.

The objective of the programme was to enable the participants to:

  • Basics of Financial Planning.
  • Understand the trading Operations.
  • Exercise and learn the nuances of placing orders.
  • Concepts related to order and trade Management.
  • Client level risk management in the markets.

The Programme was a blend of theory and hands on session. Topics covered during Workshop were:

  • Overview of Financial Planning.
  • Market Operations.
  • Sessions of the Market.
  • Hands on Equity Segment
  • Risk Management & debriefing.

Sessions were Taken By: Mr. Ritesh Nandwani (Member of faculty, NISM ) & Mr.Meraj Inanmdar (Lecturer , NISM).

The programme was well received and highly appreciated by the participants.