Training Programme for the Auditors on “Governance in Banking” September 24, 2018 | Mumbai
The School for Corporate Governance (SCG) of the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) conducted a One day Training Programme for Auditors of S R Batliboi & Companyat Mumbai on September 24, 2018, on “Governance in Banking”.

Ms. Archana Warti, Associate Director, S R Batliboi & Company, welcomed the participants to the Training programme and requested them to take benefits out of the expertise and experience of the faculties.
Shri Rakesh Kumar Rajput, General Manager, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) deliberated on the issues and challenges in identification of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of Banks. Shri Rajput also elucidated the participants with granular details on the “Enforcement Action Framework for Statutory Auditors” introduced byReserve Bank of India recently.
Shri. M Krishnamoorty, Member of Faculty & In-charge, NISM-SCG, gave an overview of Governance in Banking and he explained the governance issues with contemporary case studies.
The programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks.