Training on Corporate Governance & Taxation” on August 24, 2018 | Bengaluru
The School for Corporate Governance (SCG) of the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) conducted a One Day Training programme on “Corporate Governance & Taxation” for Auditors of S R Batliboi & Company at Bangaluru on Auguest 24,2018.

The objective of the Training Programme was to update the participants with a regulatory perspective of corporate governance and taxation.
Mr.Sunil Gaggar,Partner, S R Batliboi& Company LLP, welcomed the participants to the Training Programme and requested them to take benefits out of the expertise and experience of the faculties.

Shri M Krishnamoorthy, Member of Faculty & In-charge, NISM-SCG, gave an update of the current regulatory provisions relating to corporate governance with illustrative case studies.

Mr.R.Ravichandran, Principal Director of Income Tax (Investigation), Karnataka & Goa Region, deliberated on the legal framework and elucidated the participants with the evolution of tax governance system in India.
Certificate of Participation was issued to all the participants at the end of the programme.
The programme concluded with a Vote of Thanks.