Three day Programme on “Equity Derivatives & Risk Management” for Anjuman – I – Islam’s Allana Institute of Management Studies held on March 21-23, 2022
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) has conducted three day programme on “Equity Derivatives & Risk Management” for the students of Anjuman – I – Islam’sAllana Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai.
The teaching pedagogy for the programme was a good blend of classroom sessions as well as simulation trading lab. The programme has covered the Securities Markets Overview, Primary Markets, Secondary Markets, Derivatives Markets, Equity Derivative, Risk Management using Derivatives, Options Strategies, Technical Analysis, Overview of NISM Certifications, Commodity Derivatives, Accounting and Taxation of Derivatives Transaction, Securities Law and Career opportunities in Securities Markets.

In house faculty members having practical exposure to the subjects addressed the students of the programme. During the programme guidance were given to those students who are keen to make their careers in the field of investment laws and securities markets. The programme was well received and the students expressed their desired to have many such programmes in the days to come.