Special Lecture | Address by Mr. Sijo Eluvathingal, Associate Vice President – Risk Management, NSE Clearing Limited
Mr. Sijo Eluvathingal, Associate Vice President – Risk Management, NSE Clearing Limited addressed the students of PGDM(SM) batch 2021-23 on Thursday April 22, 2022 on the topic “Clearing, Settlement & Risk Management”.
Mr. Ritesh Nandwani, Programme Director, PGDM(SM) welcomed and introduced the speaker.
Mr. Sijo, during his address, discussed the evolution of NSE Clearing Limited, its formation, structure and its association with banks, depositories and participants. He discussed about clearing and settlement of different asset classes. Thereafter, he explained the main functions that the clearing corporations perform, i.e., Collateral management, Risk management and Clearing and Settlement.

The systematic presentation and simplicity in the style of talk, with relevant anecdotes immensely benefitted the students. During the Q & A session held thereafter, various practical questions raised by students were appropriately responded by the Guest Speaker. The session was not only informative but also highly interactive.