The second round of the recruitment and empanelment of Resource Persons for SEBI’s Financial Education was held at Navi Mumbai during August 20-27, 2011. Forty eight resource persons were recruited and empanelled. The workshop was inaugurated on August 21, 2011. The function was attended by Prof. G. Sethu, OSD, NISM, Shri K. Sukumaran, Dean-SIEFL, Mr. G. P. Garg, Chief General Manager, SEBI and Mr. N Hariharan, General Manager, SEBI. The workshop began with a session on the various regulatory agencies and the roles they perform. The participants were provided a macro picture of capital markets wherein the functioning of stock exchanges, clearing corporations, depositories,market intermediaries, viz. brokers, distributors, merchant bankers, custodians, etc. were discussed.

This session was followed by one on Financial Planning where the significance of planning and budgeting finances of individuals were discussed. The session on Time Value of Money discussed the importance of money in terms of value. Participants were also briefed about asset classes (physical assets, financial assets, etc.) along with concepts of safety, liquidity and returns. The session on banking covered deposit and loan products. The various features of secured loans and unsecured loans were debated so as to get a fair understanding of credit markets. There were also sessions on insurance and SEBI’s modules on financial education. At the end of the sessions, the candidates were asked to make a presentation on selected topics. The workshop also had two resource persons of the previous batches share their experiences at the ground level with the new batch. Also included was a session on Communication Skills to impart soft skills that would be required while conducting workshops. Mr. Amit Trivedi anchored the entire workshop. Certificates were distributed to all participants at the end of the workshop.