Programme on ‘Officers of Bangladesh Securities & Exchange Commission’NISM Bhavan, Vashi, Navi Mumbai| October 31, 2016 – November 25, 2016

NISM had organized a Four Weeks Residential Programme on ‘An Overview of Indian Securities Markets’ for officers of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission during October 31, 2016 to November 25, 2016 at NISM Bhavan, Navi Mumbai.
The prime objective of the workshop was to expose participants to the functioning of Indian Stock Markets. The workshop also aimed at updating the participants with the recent happenings in the Indian Securities market by discussing on the topics like economic reforms, regulatory issues and challenges, new investment vehicles in market, etc.
Participants had visited Securities & Exchange Board of India, National Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange and Central Depository Services Limited to understand the functioning of Stock Exchanges and Depositories. They had hands on Experience of Trading on Stock Exchange – Live through Simulation Lab at NISM. They also attended CII’s Financial Markets Summit held on November 10, 2016 at Hotel Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai.
The faculty for the programme were drawn from NISM full-time faculties, senior officials of SEBI & RBI, practitioners, academicians and experts from financial market.