Online Programme on Post IPO compliances for officers of Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Ltd.
The School for Corporate Governance (SCG) of National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) conducted Half-Day Online Programme on “Post IPO Compliances” for Officers of Star Health & Allied Insurance Company Ltd on December 10, 2021.
Mr. M Krishnamoorthy, Programme Director, SCG, welcomed the dignitaries and the participants.

Mr. S Prabhakar, Deputy General Manager, SEBI, provided regulatory perspective of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. He shared with the participating Officers about the nuances of the Regulation, which would help them in complying with the regulations in both letter and spirit.
Mr. Yogesh Chande, Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas provided industry perspective of the SEBI Regulations and explained the participants about the nitty-gritty through various case studies.

Around 25 Officers of Star Health attended the programme and benefitted from the deliberations. The programme was well received the participants and they appreciated the efforts of NISM for enlightening them with the knowledge on listing and compliance.