NISM-Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU) Collaboration
A delegation from NISM comprising Dr. C.K.G Nair, Director, Shri Sunil J.Kadam, Registrar and Prof. Rachana Baid, called on Prof. (Dr.) Nitin R. Karmalkar, ViceChancellor, SPPU, Pune on November 25,2021. The main purpose of the visit was to discuss the avenues for collaborations between NISM and SPPU based on an MOU executed earlier between NISM and SPPU.

Other dignitaries; Pro-Vice Chancellor, Registrar and the Dean of Faculty of Commerce and Management from SPPU were also present. Both the sides deliberated in depth on the possibilities and potential for having collaboration between NISM and SPPU in various areas, particularly research in Securities Markets. The meeting was quite fruitful and is expected that the collaborative initiatives will commence shortly.