NISM Online Training Programme on “Understanding Securities Law” for Trainee Officers of ICLS | June 17 to 26, 2021
The School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision (SRSS) of National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) had conducted a Training Programme for Trainee Officers of Indian Corporate Law Service from June 17 to 26, 2021.
The programme was aimed at enlightening the participants with basic concepts of securities markets, the regulatory environment in which it operates and the role & functions of the various stakeholders including the market regulator.
Shri M Krishnamoorthy, Programme Director, SRSS, welcomed the dignitaries and the participants.
Dr V R Narasimhan, Dean, NISM, in his initial remarks stated that the programme would provide a 360-degree perspective of the securities markets and requested the participants to benefit from the rich experience and expertise of the faculty. Shri Sanjay Kumar Gupta Joint Director, ICLS Academy, in his address sought for an increased cooperation between NISM and ICLS Academy. He also stated that not only trainee Offices but even Senior Officers from ICLS would also benefit from the niche skill-sets, which NISM can provide in the area of securities markets.

Shri Sunil J Kadam, Registrar, NISM, inaugurated the programme and addressed the participants. Registrar-NISM in his inaugural address highlighted the importance of understanding securities markets by Officers of the Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS) and that the learning would help the participants in decision making.
The programme was delivered through the online mode, with a robust mix of classroom sessions along with practice experience in the SMART Lab (Trading in NISM Finance Lab).
The broad areas of training include capital market eco-system, primary markets, secondary markets, role of market intermediaries, pooled investment vehicles and powers & functions of SEBI. The Sessions were delivered by faculty from NISM, SEBI, Stock Exchanges and from industry.
8 participants attended the Training Programme and benefitted from the deliberations.
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks.