NISM-NSE Webinar on “Recent Amendments to SEBI LODR” |May 28, 2021|
SEBI had recently made substantial amendments to the provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (SEBI LODR). These comprehensive changes to the Listing Regulations have serious implications for listed entities.
In order to provide a platform to understand the rationale behind these amendments and also the manner of implementing the same by listed companies, the School for Corporate Governance of NISM jointly with National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) had organised a Webinar titled “Recent Amendments to SEBI LODR” on May 28, 2021.
Dr V R Narasimhan, Dean, NISM, while underlining the theme of the webinar, requested the Compliance Officers of the listed entities to understand the rationale behind the regulatory changes in a holistic perspective.
Ms Barnali Mukherjee, Chief General Manager, SEBI, in her inaugural address, stated that the amendments were aimed at strengthening the corporate governance provisions, easing the compliance burden of the listed entities and also in harmonizing the regulations with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. She also emphasized that the industry has to be prepared for a short term discomfort for long term sustainability.

Shri M Krishnamoorthy, Member of Faculty, NISM, made a detailed presentation covering the key highlights of the recent changes to the Listing Regulations.
Ms Sonali Pednekar, Asst. General Manager, SEBI, explained the Rationale behind Recent amendments to SEBI LODR.
Mr Avishkar Naik, Vice President, NSE, spoke in detail about the issues & challenges in implementation of the regulations from a Stock Exchange perspective.
Ms Savitri Parekh, Joint Company Secretary & Compliance Officer, provided an industry perspective and also explained the nuances of the recent changes.
Nearly 210 Compliance Officers from different listed companies attended the webinars and benefitted from the deliberations.
The programme concluded with a vote of thanks.