Leadership Lecture Series| Address by Mr. P K Malhotra, Former Union Law Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice
The Leadership Lecture Series7 was held on February 15,2022 by way of hybrid mode. Mr. P K Malhotra, Former Union Law Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice addressed the students and faculty members of NISM on the topic “Alternate Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the Securities Market”.
Dr.Rachana Baid, HoD, SSE extended a cordial welcome and introduced the guest for the day.

Mr.Malhotra, during his classic address, discussed about the history of Litigation Management in India. He highlighted on the pendency of cases in various courts of India and opined that Alternate Dispute Resolution Mechanisms has proved as an effective mode for reducing the pendency. He touched upon the use of virtual technology in legal proceedings and also the technological advancement that is expediting Judicial outcomes. Mr. Malhotra deliberated on Applicable Provisions, ADR Mechanism, the need of ADR in Securities Markets etc.

He briefly covered the concept of conciliation. Thereafter he explained in detail about the ADR Mechanism in Securities Markets and elaborated on settlement procedures and compounding of offences. Citing various examples from India and abroad, he deliberated on the issues and challenges faced by Stock Exchanges in Arbitration process. Mr. Malhotra also touched upon settlement of administrative and civil proceeding u/s 15JB of SEBI Act,1992. The participants who attended the session in hybrid mode from far and wide had the benefit of listening to a veteran on a topic which is relevant for Securities Markets professionals. In conclusion there was a Q & A session where Mr.Malhotra responded to the queries raised by the participants.
Dr. CKG Nair, Director, NISM proposed vote of thanks and thanked Mr.Malhotra for covering various aspects of ADR in a brief, yet practical manner. The students who are soon going to face the market challenges, got an opportunity to understand the practical insights on Alternate dispute Mechanisms in Securities Market.