Leadership Lecture Series Address by Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan, Chairman and CEO, Rediff.com
Under Leadership Lecture Series4, Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan, Chairman and CEO, Rediff.com addressed the students and faculty members of NISM on Wednesday December 08, 2021. The topic of the session was “New Tech, New vistas for Securities Management”.
Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan, during his address, discussed the waves of technological changes over the centuries, their pluses and minuses and how it has impacted life and practices. which has led to growth in different avenues of life. He touched upon dematerialization, disaggregation and other impact of technology on society. He advised all the participants to be hands on managers and learn recent technological breakthrough such as Word2vec, blockchain and Graph learning.
The systematic, but extempore style of talk, full of anecdotal examples was more of intuitive nature which was equally cherished by students as well as faculty members. In conclusion, Mr. Balakrishnan also clearly answered a large number of questions raised by the audience.

In brief, it was a Master Class from one of the pioneers of internet revolution in India, who is also a major contributor to the academic excellence, particularly in various IIMs.