Launch of Certified BFSI Professional Program

To provide a robust pipeline of ‘ready to be employed manpower’ to the financial services sector which includes Securities Markets, Banking and Insurance, three specialist institutions of repute in the BFSI Sector viz. National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM), Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), and National Insurance Academy (NIA) have come together to create a one of its kind course in BFSI Domain namely, Certified BFSI Professional course.
The BFSI Course is formally inaugurated on Oct 08, 2021 in the presence of Dr. Usha Titus (Chairperson and Managing Director, ASAP -Government of Kerala), Dr. CKG Nair (Director, NISM), Mr. Biswaketan Das (CEO, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance) and Mr. G. Srinivasan (Director, National Insurance Academy).