Inaugural of Training Programme for IES Officer Trainees
June 20, 2022 | NISM Campus, Patalganga
The School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision (SRSS) of National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is conducting a 10-day Training Programme for Officer Trainees of Indian Economic Service (IES)- 2021 batch from June 20 to July 1, 2022 at NISM Campus, Patalganga.
The programme is aimed at familiarization of IES Officers with vital inputs on various aspects of the securities markets.
The inaugural event for the Programme was held on June 20, 2022. Mr. Susanta Kumar Das, Member of Faculty, welcomed the dignitaries and the participating Officers. In the inaugural address, Dr. CKG Nair, Director, NISM, addressed the participants and shared his insights on “Lessons in Financial Sector Policy Making and Implementation”. Director-NISM shared his experience regarding financial sector policy making and its implementation.

Dr. Nitin Tike, General Manager, NISM took a session on “Understanding Financial Markets & Evolution of Securities Markets” in which he discussed 4 major sectors of financial markets, the growth and journey of securities markets since 1875 and the prevalent challenges.
The programmme is attended by 12 IES Officers. The programme will include sessions on Capital Market, F & O Trading, Commodity Derivatives, Investigating Economic Crimes, Corporate Bond Market, etc.