Inaugural Ceremony of LL.M (Investment &Securities Law) 2022-23 Batch
The Inaugural ceremony of LL.M (I&SL) was held on Saturday September 03, 2022 at NISM, Patalganga Campus.

Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Programme Director, LL.M (I&SL) welcomed the guests, faculty members and the students and gave an overview about the curriculum and its architecture.
Dr. CKG Nair, Director, NISM, during the inaugural address highlighted the role and scope of specialised laws for modern financial markets and presented the students with a uniquely enriching account of instances from his stint as a Member of the Securities Appellate Tribunal. He opined that though there are plethora of laws in financial sector, yet they are considered as ‘Incomplete Laws’, owing to the lack of finality due to the dynamic nature of markets. He further said that the financial sector legislations are open ended, the regulations attempt to contemporize them in accordance with the market dynamics. Dr. Nair emphasized adoption of cutting-edge technology by the regulators for efficiently and effectively regulating new-age products like Crypto Currencies/assets and appealed the students to think beyond the boundaries of the class rooms and always remain updated. He added that the students, while doing the course, should develop the mind set and expertise of a Counsel, irrespective of the exact legal role they are going pursue in future.
Prof. (Dr.) Dilip Ukey, Vice-Chancellor, MNLU Mumbai complimented the students for securing admission in this unique “tailor-made” programme. He highlighted the importance of analyzing the Financial Jurisprudence and Supreme Court Judgments citing a number of landmark judgements, in addition to learning various regulations specified in the curriculum. He advised the students to be good ambassadors of both institutions viz. NISM and MNLU Mumbai. He said that the legal education should be coupled with “Human Values” so that Laws are implemented in true letter and spirit.

Mr. Sunil J. Kadam, Registrar, NISM while delivering the vote of thanks, thanked MNLU Mumbai, Vice Chancellor Prof Ukey and others in the team for partnering with NISM and for conceiving and designing a Specialty Programme on Investment Laws and Securities Markets. He complimented the students for the decision they have taken to specialize in Investments and Securities Laws and appealed the students to focus on overall development and make full use of the facilities in the campus.