Case study workshop for the faculty members of NISM
The School for Securities Education (SSE) of NISM has organized workshop on writing cases and research papers for the faculty member of NISM on March 04 and 05, 2022. The resource persons of the workshop were Prof. Samir K Barua, Former Director and Professor, IIM-A, Prof. Ashok Banerjee, Professor, Finance & Control, IIM-C and Prof. Abhay Pethe, Senior Resident Fellow at Mumbai School of Economics and Public Policy (MSE-PP), University of Mumbai.

Prof. Barua during the first technical session deliberated how to write and present a case study. With the help of a case study from Corporate sector he gave practical insights to the faculty members.
Prof. Abhay Pethe during the second technical session deliberated on writing and publishing of research studies. He also guided on how to identify the topics for research.
Prof. Ashok Banerjee in the third technical session discussed on approaches to research, data and infrastructure and the art of writing the research paper.

On March 05, 2022 various faculty members presented their cases in the presence of eminent resource persons. The resource persons, out of their rich experience guided the faculty members on various facets of case study approach and what generally students look for while learning with the help of a case study.
The faculty members were immensely benefited out of the sessions as they could explore new and innovative vistas of teaching and doing research with the help of case studies.