Programme on ‘Understanding Indian Securities Laws’ for Probationary Officers of ICLS

NISM has conducted 12 days programme for Probationary officers of ICLS on ‘‘Understanding Securities Laws’’ held during 29 July – 09 August 2019 at NISM Campus, Patalganga.

The programme was inaugurated by Dr. M. Thenmozhi, former Director, NISM & Prof.K.Sukumaran, Dean (SIEFL & SSE).

 The overview of training programme was given by Dr.Rajesh Kumar,Associate Professor,NISM. Total 8 officers have attended the training programme.

 The programme was aimed to make the participants aware about the various topics pertaining to the Securities Law.

 The programme was a blend of classroom & Hands on sessions.

1) Classroom Sessions

2) Hands On Session – Trading in Simulated Environment

3) Exchange Visits

The following areas/topics were covered during the programme:

1Programme Outline and Brief Presentation on NISMDr. Rajesh Kumar
2Evolution of Indian Securities MarketsDr. Nitin Tike,NISM
3Indian Secondary Markets
4Power and functions of SEBIMr. Ranganayakulu, Former Executive Director – Law, SEBI
5Indian Primary Market for equities and Public Issues of equityMr. Ashok Singh, BSE
6Listing Regulations and Enforcement
7Products in Indian Securities MarketsMr. Ritesh Nandwani, Member of Faculty, NISM
8Fixed Income Securities
9Alternative Investment FundsMr. Jainendra Shandilya, Member of Faculty, NISM
10Mutual Fund Structure – regulations and growthMr. Balakrishna Kini, Dy. Chief Executive, Association of Mutual Funds in India
11Fund Management; ETF structure for PSU divestment
12CIS and Deemed Public IssueMr. M. Krishnamoorthy, Member of Faculty, NISM
13Basics of DerivativesMr. Ramaseshan, Former Managing Director, NCDEX
14Basics of Commodity DerivativesMr. Ramaseshan, Former Managing Director, NCDEX
15Trading in Simulated EnvironmentMr.Meraj Inamdar
16Market Infrastructure Institutions and Risk ManagementMr. Sanjay Purao, GM, SEBI
17Margins on trading; clearing and settlement of trades, Settlement GuaranteeMr. Sachin Shetty
18Depositories Act, Depository System in IndiaDr V. R. Narasimhan Dean, SRSS & SCG, NISM
19Creative Accounting and financial statement AnalysisDr.Abhay Nagale
20Financial PlanningProf. K.Sukumaran, (SIEFL & SSE)
21SEBI Perspectives on Mergers and AcquisitionsMr. Narendra Rawat, GM, SEBI
22SEBI Perspectives on Buy Back and Delisting
23Surveillance at ExchangesMr. Avishkar Naik, Vice President -Surveillance, NSE
24Empowering SEBI for an evolving securities marketsSEBI official
25Focus on Filing by listed entitiesNSE official
26Focus on clearing and settlement of commoditiesMCX official
27Take Over RegulationsMs. Shailashri Bhaskar, Consultant
28National Pension Scheme (NPS)Mr. Balaram Bhagat, CEO, UTI Retirement Solutions Limited**
29Prosecution and recoveryMr.D.V.Sekhar,GM,SEBI
30Case Laws
31Investor grievance redressal and alternative dispute resolutionMs.Dinaz Shroff ,Chief Manager NSE
32Surveillance at SEBIMr.Sunil Kadam ,Registrar NISM
33E-Voting- Process and mechanismMs. Khilona ,NSDL
34Corporate Governance Issues – Investor perspectivesMr.Shobjit Jaju
35Investigation Related to Securities Markets ViolationsMr. V. S. Sundaresan, CGM, SEBI
36SEBI (PIT) Regulations, 2015

4) Valedictory Ceremony

The valedictory address was given by Dr.V.R.Narasimhan, Dean & Professor of Practice (SRSS &SCG). Mr.Jayant Arya, Deputy Director, ICLS also addressed the participants . The programme was well received by the participants and at last all participants were given Certificate of Participation.