NISM Series-IX: Merchant Banking Certification Examination

Revised Launch of NISM-Series-IX: Merchant Banking Certification Examination w.e.f March 20, 2025

The examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for employees working with SEBI registered Merchant Bankers, who

1. perform SEBI regulated activities such as initial public offer, further public  offer, Open Offer, Buy-back, Delisting;
2. deal with the issuers in connection with activities mentioned in (1) above;
3. deal with intermediaries associated with activities mentioned in (a) above;
4. act as designated Compliance Officer dealing with the activities mentioned in (a) above;
4. submit Due Diligence Certificates to SEBI in connection with the activities mentioned in (a) above;

The exam will further seek to ensure a basic understanding of various aspects of capital market functions, the processes involved in various functions of registered Merchant Bankers and the regulatory environment in which it operates.

Examination Objectives:

The examination aims to enable a better understanding of various regulations in the Merchant Banking Domain. The examination also covers knowledge competencies related to the understanding of the financial structure in India and the importance of the different rules and regulations governing the Indian securities market.

On successful completion of the examination, the candidate should:

  • Know the basics of the Merchant Banking in India.
  • Understand the functioning of Merchant Bankers related to Issue Management Process, Substantial Acquisition of Equity Shares, Buyback of Equity Shares and Delisting of Shares.
  • Know the regulatory environment in which the Merchant Bankers operates in India.

Assessment Structure

The examination consists of 100 questions of 1 mark each and should be completed in 2 hours. The passing score on the examination is 60%. There shall be negative marking of 25% of the marks assigned to a question.

Test Details

Name of Module: NISM-Series-IX: Merchant Banking Certification Examination

*: Negative marking – 25% of the marks assigned to the question
+ Payment gateway charges extra.
# Passing Certificate will be issued only to those candidates who have furnished/ updated their Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) in their registration details.