Eligibility Criteria and Requirements

(A)   Eligibility Criteria for NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors CPE

General category

Candidates holding the certificate of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Examination whose validity is not expired, can revalidate his/her Certificate, for a period of three years from its date of expiry, by successfully completing NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors CPE Program during 12 months preceding the date of expiry of the Certificate. Such persons can attend the CPE programby submitting the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B) below).

Note: (1) Candidates may attend the CPE Program not before twelve months prior to expiry of the said Certificate.

Note: (2) Associated Person not belonging to either the Principal or the Grandfather Category, whose Certificate has expired, will have to pass the NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification Examination to obtain a new Certificate.

Principal Category

Any person who is actively engaged in the management (including supervision, solicitation and conduct of business) of an Intermediary who is registered as Portfolio Manager with SEBI, and is a

1) Proprietor / Sole Proprietor, or
2) Partner / Managing Partner, or
3) Chairman, or
4) Director / Executive Director, or
5) Whole-Time Director / Director, or
6) Chief Executive Officer

may attend the CPE of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification under the ‘Principal Category’, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B) below).

Note: A person holding a valid Certificate of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors is considered to be belonging to the ‘General’ Category irrespective of his/her designation, work experience and age.

Grandfather by Age Category

Any associated person, other than Principal, who has completed the age of 50 years as on September 07, 2021, may attend the CPE program of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification under the ‘Grandfather by Age’ Category, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B) below).

Note: A person holding a valid Certificate of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors is considered to be belonging to the ‘General’ Category irrespective of his/her designation, work experience and age.

Grandfather by Experience Category

Any associated person, other than Principal, who is currently employed with / engaged as distributor of SEBI registered Portfolio Management Services and having relevant work experience of 10 years or more as on September 07, 2021, may attend NISM Series XXI-A: Portfolio Management Service (PMS) Distributors CPE Program under the ‘Grandfather by Experience’ Category, on submission of Required Documents (as mentioned in (B) below).

Note: A person holding a valid Certificate of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors is considered to be belonging to the ‘General’ Category irrespective of his/her designation, work experience and age.

(B)   Required Documents for NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors CPE

Candidates appearing for the CPE under the General category will require the following Documents:

 1. Copy of PAN Card
 2. Copy of valid certificate of NISM-Series-XXI-A: Portfolio Management Services (PMS) Distributors Certification

Candidates appearing for the CPE under the Principal category will require the following Documents:

   1. Copy of PAN Card
   2. Proof of Designation (Click to Download the format)
   3. Copy of Registration Certificate of the PMS registered with SEBI

Candidates appearing for the CPE under the Grandfather by Age category will require the following Documents:

   1. Copy of PAN Card

Candidates appearing for the CPE under the Grandfather by Experience category will require the following Documents:

   1. Copy of PAN Card
   2. Proof of Experience (Click to Download the format)
   3. Copy of Registration Certificate of the PMS registered with SEBI


Please note:

  • Candidates attending the classroom CPE program are required to upload the scanned copies of the above mentioned documents while enrolling for this CPE program. They are also required to carry in original the above-mentioned Documents to the CPE venue for verification in order to obtain admission to the CPE Program. Certificate will be issued/renewed only after successful verification of the uploaded documents.
  • Candidates attending the eCPE program (online mode) are required to upload the scanned copies of the above mentioned documents while enrolling for this eCPE program. Certificate will be issued/renewed only after successful verification of the uploaded documents.