Eligibility Criteria and Requirements – Mutual Fund Distributors CPE

(A) Eligibility Criteria for NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program

General Category

Any person holding any of the following Certificates:

  (a) NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors Certification Examination

  (b) NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors Continuing Professional Education

  (c) AMFI Mutual Fund (Advisors) Module

  (d) IICM: Refresher Course on Mutual Funds*

  (e) CIEL: Refresher Course on Mutual Funds*

*The validity of the Certificate shall be deemed to be of five years from the date of issue of the Certificate

and the validity of which has not expired may attend NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B)).

Also, any person holding a valid ARN Card, whether or not holding any of the above-mentioned Certificates, may attend NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B)).

(On the suggestion of AMFI/Mutual Fund Distributors, this eligibility criterion has been included as a temporary measure for the operational ease of Candidates/Mutual Fund Distributors).

Note: Candidates can attend the CPE Program not before twelve months prior to the expiry of the said Certificate / ARN Card.

Grandfather by Age Category

Any associated person, other than Principal, who has completed the age of 50 years as on May 31, 2010, may attend NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program under the ‘Grandfather by Age Category’, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B)).

Note: A person holding any of the Certificates, mentioned earlier, belongs to the ‘General’ Category irrespective of his/her age.

Grandfather by Experience Category

Any associated person, other than Principal, having experience of 10 years or more as a distributor, agent or employed or engaged in the sale and/or distribution of Mutual Fund products, as on May 31, 2010, may attend NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program under the ‘Grandfather by Experience Category’, on submission of the Required Documents (as mentioned in (B)).

Note: A person holding any of the Certificates, mentioned earlier, belongs to the ‘General’ Category irrespective of his/her age.

(B) Required Documents for NISM Series V (a):  Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program

The following Documents need to be verified at the CPE venue for attending the Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program:

General Category

  1. Copy of PAN Card
  2. Copy of valid Certificate (any of the above mentioned)/ ARN Card

Grandfathered by Age Category

  1. Copy of PAN Card

Grandfathered by Experience Category

  1. Copy of PAN Card
  2. Proof of Experience
    A Letter from an Asset Management Company, duly signed and stamped by Chief Manager (or higher designation) acknowledging that the participant has 10 years or more than 10 years of work experience in buying/selling/distribution of Mutual Funds, as on May 31, 2010

Please note that Candidates are required to carry in original the above-mentioned Documents (under respective Categories) to the CPE venue for verification in order to obtain admission to NISM Series V (a): Mutual Fund Distributors CPE Program.