Registration closed.


The National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) along with the Systemic Risk Centre (SRC) at the London School of Economics (LSE) are organizing The Third Annual International Capital Markets Conference 2022 on “Role of Capital Markets for Sustainable Growth of Economy” sponsored by State Bank of India. NISM & SRC invite academicians, researchers, students, and other stakeholders to submit original unpublished research papers for consideration. The conference is to be held in Mumbai at the NISM campus on 15-16 December, 2022.


Broad conference themes include the following:

  1. Sustainable Capital Markets and Investments;
  2. Linkages between Financial Markets and Real Economy;
  3. Regulation and Financial Market Integrity;
  4. Fund Raising – Valuations and Disclosures;
  5. Changing Profile of Investor Segment in Indian Markets;
  6. Geopolitical Risks and Securities Markets Response;
  7. Institutional Investors and Governance.

For detailed description of the themes please refer the “Themes” tab on the conference webpage.

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  • Dates for the Conference: 15-16 December, 2022
  • Last date for Submission of Final Paper: October 25, 2022
  • Announcement of Acceptance of Paper for Presentation latest by: November 25, 2022
  • Conference Registration Begins:  November 15, 2022
  • Last Date for Registration: December 05, 2022

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Academicians, researchers, students, and other stakeholders are invited to submit:

i) original, unpublished academic research papers;
ii) with an empirical component; that
iii) is on a topic related to the themes of the conference. We are only able to consider one paper per author.


  • Please submit papers electronically through this Easy Chair link in PDF or Word format. The paper itself should be stripped of any author or affiliation information to facilitate an anonymous review. Authors can submit their information on the Easy Chair submission form. 
  • Papers must be submitted by the conference deadline of October 16, 2022, in order to be considered. The decision of the selection committee on which papers to accept is final. 
  • The Three* best paper awards will be announced in the conference valedictory sessions as decided by a jury organized by NISM. The award amounts will be ₹30,000, ₹25,000 and ₹20,000. All other presenting authors will receive ₹10,000.
  • A Certificate of Participation will be provided to participants who attend the conference on both days across all sessions.

*NISM reserves its right to not give awards at all or to restrict the number to less than three. The decision of Jury in this matter is final.

Conference Coordinators

Dr. Latha Chari,

Professor & HOD – SSIR, NISM, India


Dr. Kevin R. James

Co-Investigator, Systemic Risk Centre (SRC), LSE, United Kingdom


Dr. Rachana Baid

Professor, Dean (Academics) & HOD – SSE, NISM, India


Dr. Jinesh Panchali

Professor, NISM, India


Mr. Ritesh Kumar Nandwani

Member of Faculty, NISM, India

Email –

Dr. Pradiptarathi Panda

Assistant Professor, NISM, India


Dr. Meraj Inamdar

Member of Faculty, NISM, India




For any queries related to paper submission contact:
Mr. Shiba Prasad Mohanty
Email Id:
Mobile No.:  8903119925
WhatsApp No.: 8903119925

For registration-related queries contact:
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar
Email Id:
Mobile No.: 9326022370/7506581992
WhatsApp No.: 7506581992

  • Mr. Ajit Balakrishnan

    Founder , Chairman, CEO and Principal Shareholder of
  • Mr. Amarjeet Singh

    Executive Director, SEBI
  • Mr. Amil Dasgupta

    Professor of Finance, London School of Economics
  • Mr. Amish Mehta

    Managing Director and CEO of CRISIL
  • Dr. CKG Nair

    Director, NISM
  • Dr N.R. Bhanumurthy

    Vice Chancellor, BASE University, Bangalore
  • Mr. Sunil Jayawant Kadam

    Registrar, NISM
  • Dr. Viral Acharya

    Visiting Chair professor at NISM & C.V. Starr Professor of Economics at NYU-Stern
  • Dr. Zacharias Sautner

    Professor of Finance - Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


Key Themes

Broad conference themes include the following:

  1. Sustainable Capital Markets and Investments;
  2. Linkages between Financial Markets and Real Economy;
  3. Regulation and Financial Market Integrity;
  4. Fund Raising – Valuations and Disclosures;
  5. Changing Profile of Investor Segment in Indian Markets;
  6. Geopolitical Risks and Securities Markets Response;
  7. Institutional Investors and Governance.

For detailed description of the themes please refer the “Themes” tab on the conference webpage.

Publication Opportunity

Selected and Presented papers will be sent for publication in any of the following journals, subject to the Journal’s review process and the author’s consent:

1. Journal of Emerging Market Finance (Scopus and B in ABDC) – Regular Issue.
2. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (Scopus and A in ABDC) – Regular Issue
3. Public Finance and Management (B in ABDC) – Special Issue.
4. Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance (C in ABDC) – Regular Issue.
5. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (Scopus and B in ABDC) – Special Issue

  • Dates for the Conference: 15-16 December, 2022
  • Last date for Submission of Final Paper: October 25, 2022
  • Announcement of Acceptance of Paper for Presentation latest by: November 25, 2022
  • Conference Registration Begins: November 15, 2022
  • Last Date for Registration: December 05, 2022

Final papers are to be submitted on or before the specified dates. Final paper submission is to be done through Easychair.

Submission Guidelines

Academicians, researchers, students, and other stakeholders are invited to submit:
i) original, unpublished academic research papers;
ii) with an empirical component; that
iii) is on a topic related to the themes of the conference. We are only able to consider one paper per author.

Submission Process
  • Please submit papers electronically through this Easy Chair link in PDF or Word format. The paper itself should be stripped of any author or affiliation information to facilitate an anonymous review. Authors can submit their information on the Easy Chair submission form.
  • Papers must be submitted by the conference deadline of October 25, 2022, in order to be considered. The decision of the selection committee on which papers to accept is final.
  • The Three* best paper awards will be announced in the conference valedictory sessions as decided by a jury organized by NISM. The award amounts will be ₹30,000, ₹25,000 and ₹20,000. All other presenting authors will receive ₹10,000.
  • A Certificate of Participation will be provided to participants who attend the conference on both days across all sessions.


*NISM reserves its right to not give awards at all or to restrict the number to less than three. The decision of Jury in this matter is final.


Additional Guidelines for First Time Authors

Academicians, researchers, students and other stakeholders are invited to submit Research Papers related to the specified themes only. The submitted work should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended to be published elsewhere during the review period. Final papers are to be submitted on or before the specified dates. Final paper submission is to be done through Easy chair.
The guidelines for the paper submission are:
1. Papers shall not be longer than 10,000 words excluding bibliography references.
2. Paper layout should be One-column Portrait.
3. Analysis done as part of the research work and quoted in the papers shall be based on authentic data sources only and be referenced.
4. Please submit the papers along with 5 key words to help us classify and with Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes.
5. Research work described in the paper should not have been published anywhere, and be original/empirical. Submitted papers will also go through plagiarism check.
6. Papers exceeding plagiarism levels of 25% will be rejected in the screening process.
7. The font should be in Times New Roman with 12 font size and single-spaced.
8. All papers will be blind reviewed to ensure an adequate standard.
9. The author’s details including name, title, current position along with the name of the organization, and contact details needs to be mentioned only in the Easy chair form and should strictly not be included in any form in the paper submitted. In the main paper should not have any authors details. Authors details will be collected automatically through easy chair submission process.
10. No changes will be allowed in the paper title, paper and authorship after submission.
11. We encourage use of footnotes than endnotes.
12. Authors will be fully responsible for the accuracy of the data used.
13. Bibliographical references need to be in the American Psychological Association (APA) style.
14. All tables need to be numbered in Arabic numerals and should always be cited in the text with consecutive numbers. Each table should contain a ‘’Title of the Table’’. Footnotes of the table should be in subscript lowercase letters and needs to be placed below the table body. The table font should be 10, times new roman and it should be properly aligned.
15. All figures need to be numbered and titled in chronological order. The figures should be clearly readable and interpretable.
16. Any violation of the above instructions will lead to the desk rejection of the paper.


Bibliographic References
  1. References should include (a) Author’s surname, initials as it appears on the cited works, (b) Year of publication, (c) “Title of the paper”, (d) Name of the Journal, (e) Volume number, (f) (Issue number), and (g) Page references.
  2. References must appear at the end of the manuscript and not as footnotes on each page.
  3. Each source cited in the paper must appear in the reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in the text portion of the paper.
  4. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each work.
  5. Authors’ names need to be inverted (last name first); give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work for up to and including seven authors.
  6. All major words in journal titles needs to be capitalize. When referring to books, chapters, articles, or webpages, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle.
  7. An example of bibliographic reference is given below:

Fama, E. F. (2011). My Life in Finance. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 3(1), 1-15.


Selection of Papers
  1. Papers submitted on or before the timeline will only be considered.
  2. Decision of the Selection Committee on acceptance/rejection of the paper will be final.
  3. A lump sum amount of ₹10,000 will be awarded to the first author of the accepted paper, presented in the conference, This lump sum is given to those other than the best paper awardees.
  4. Three* best paper awards will be announced in the conference valedictory sessions as decided by the jury. The awards amounts will be ₹30,000, ₹25,000 and ₹20,000.
  5. Certificate of Participation will be provided to participants who attend the conference on both days across all sessions.

*NISM reserves its right not to give awards at all or restrict the number to less than three. The decision of Jury in this matter is final.


All interested participants including paper presenters will register through registration link.

  • Dates for the Conference: 15-16 December, 2022
  • Last date for Submission of Final Paper: October 25, 2022
  • Announcement of Acceptance of Paper for Presentation latest by: November 25, 2022
  • Conference Registration Begins: November 15, 2022
  • Last Date for Registration: December 05, 2022


Registration Fees:

 Registration Fees for Indian Participants:  ₹1,500 (Inclusive of GST)

Registration Fees for International Participants: $50 (Inclusive of GST)


Accommodation Charges for all Participants**:
  1. Per day Deluxe AC Room (Double Occupancy): ₹1,500 + Applicable GST
  2. Per day Deluxe AC Room (Single Occupancy): ₹1,250 + Applicable GST
  3. Per day Non AC Room (Double Occupancy): ₹1,000 + Applicable GST
  4. Per day Non AC Room (Single Occupancy): ₹750 + Applicable GST

**Cost of Food is included with Registration Charges.

For registration-related queries contact:

Mr. Ashutosh Kumar
Email Id:
Mobile No.: 9326022370/7506581992
WhatsApp No.: 7506581992



  1. Sustainable Capital Markets and Investments – Under this theme papers covering areas such as ESG Investing, investing with climate neutrality, innovations supporting sustainable finance, green finance, climate finance, socially responsible investment, macro-prudential regulatory frameworks, sustainable finance reporting, accounting for sustainability may be submitted. Paper exploring the linkages between sustainable finance and capital markets, regulatory framework. issues in accounting, and assessing performance of ESG investment and their disclosures on stakeholders and its linkages with macro-economic variables may be submitted.
  2. Linkages between Financial Markets and Real Economy – Fundamentally, the financial markets are expected to reflect the performance of domestic and global economies both current and future expectations. Papers analyzing the linkages between the securities market and sectoral and economic performance are expected. Do capital markets (stock prices or index) capture / reflect the real economy? Whether the broad indices reflect economic performance. Contributions of the organized and unorganized sector to GDP – changes and challenges and impact on securities markets. Empirical studies of data related to developed and developing economies, changing policy paradigms and experiments in synchronising financial markets and real economic performance, etc.
  3. Regulation and Financial Market Integrity– Financial market regulations to accelerate growth and ensure market integrity – to dwell on the architecture, structure of the markets, regulations that promote effectiveness and market efficiency. Studies that provide policy feedback on various latest regulations related to capital markets, commodity markets can be submitted.
  4. Fund Raising – Valuations and Disclosures – Papers in under this theme are expected in domain of raising of funds through various innovative sources, valuation of companies particularly, fintech, edutech, aggregators, highly potential tech start-ups and their disclosure practices,  valuation prior to IPO and post IPO and their performance, process and platforms of raising capital at various stages of evolution (life cycle) of companies with high growth, constant growth, negative growth, assessment of ecosystem for raising funds through various sources like, venture capital funding, private equity funding, public funding, private placement, funding for restructuring, etc., assessment of various norms related to ownership, disclosures, valuation, innovations in fund raising for variety of companies classified on the basis of age, size, ownership, growth, experiences of creating separate exchange for SME or MSME, or hi-tech company, for raising funds, maintain liquidity, eligibility of players, etc. Papers evaluating the quality and nature of disclosures – Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements (ICDR). Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR)- disclosures and effectiveness.
  1. Changing profile of Investor Segment in Indian Markets – Papers under this theme may look at the participation of different categories of investors in Securities Markets, Implications related to increasing retail investor participation in securities markets – Changes, challenges, issues, enabling structure and regulations, Information asymmetry and Risk implications. Financial literacy, preserving investor interests, its importance under the above context.
  2. Geopolitical Risks and Securities Markets Response – The Geopolitical risk plays a vital role in the determination of the growth of an economy so as to impact the securities market significantly. Starting from the World War-I and II to Taliban Afghanistan war or Russia Ukraine war, the trade relations gets adversely affected and make the life costlier for rest of the World. The researchers may look into the impact of different Geopolitical risks on the securities markets. Research papers in this area may also cover other events such as financial crisis, oil crisis, trade relations between major countries, its impact and lessons for policy makers to prepare for speedy recovery and growth.
  3. Institutional Investors and Governance – Papers under this theme are expected in domain of shareholders’  activism including institutional investors in governance of the company, documentation of conceptual, regulatory issues, and challenges in such activism in Indian corporate sector, assessment of such cases of activism on shareholders return, long term health of company, and interest of stakeholders, whether such activism improve the quality of corporate democracy or create undue impediments in long term health of the company, assessment of global experiences and enabling market and regulatory structure in India and how to make them more effective, etc.


Please fill up the details to get informed about the future conferences:
[contact-form-7 id=”21563″ title=”Enquiry form – Third Annual International Capital Markets Conference”]

Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How the conference will be organized?

Ans: The Conference will be organized in Physical Mode.

NISM Campus,
Plot No. IS 1 & IS 2, Patalganga Industrial Area,
Mohopada, Rasayani, District Raigad,
Near Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra – 410222.
Board Line: + 91- 2192-668300

Map Location: Click here

Q2. Will I get the publication opportunity*?

Ans: Yes, Selected and Presented papers will be sent for publication in any of the following journals, subject to the Journal’s review process and the author’s consent:

1. Journal of Emerging Market Finance (Scopus and B in ABDC) – Regular Issue.
2. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance (Scopus and A in ABDC) – Regular Issue
3. Public Finance and Management (B in ABDC) – Special Issue.
4. Mathematical Methods in Economics and Finance (C in ABDC) – Regular Issue.
5. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance (Scopus and B in ABDC) – Special Issue


Q3. What is the criteria to get certification of participation?

Ans: Certification of Participation criteria are as follows:

  1. Registered participants should attend the session at NISM Campus, Patalganga for Two days.
  2. If you are not registered, the conference committee will not allow to issue the certificates.
  3. Conference Committee’s decision will be final in this matter.

Q4. Can I submit abstracts before full paper?

Ans: No, participants cannot submit abstracts. You need to submit full paper only.

Q5.  Can I submit paper from other ways?

Ans: No, participants cannot submit your full paper through mail or drive links etc. You have to submit through EasyChair only.

Q6. How to register?

Ans: All interested participants including paper presenters will register through registration link.

Q7. Is there any fee for registration and accommodation?

Ans: Yes, there is fee for registration and accommodation (Cost of Food is included with Registration Charges).
Participants who plan to stay at the campus will have to additionally pay the accommodation charges based on their travel plans. Hence registration fees and accommodation fees have to be paid for separately by the participants.

 Registration Fees:

Registration Fees for Indian Participants:  ₹1,500 (Inclusive of GST)

Registration Fees for International Participants: $50 (Inclusive of GST)

Accommodation Charges for all Participants**:

Per day Deluxe AC Room (Double Occupancy): ₹1,500 + Applicable GST

Per day Deluxe AC Room (Single Occupancy): ₹1,250 + Applicable GST

Per day Non AC Room (Double Occupancy): ₹1,000 + Applicable GST

Per day Non AC Room (Single Occupancy): ₹750 + Applicable GST

**Cost of Food is included with Registration Charges.

Q8. When will I receive the communication of Acceptance/Rejection of Paper for Presentation?

Ans: Latest by November 25, 2022.

Q9. How will I receive the communication of Acceptance/Rejection of Paper for Presentation?

Ans: You will receive the communication of Acceptance/Rejection of Paper for Presentation via mail or directly from EasyChair.

Q10. Can I get the extension for the submission of Full Paper?

Ans: There will be no extension for submission of Full Paper. You need to submit the full paper only by October 25, 2022 (12:00 midnight).

Q11. Whom should I contact for further queries?

Ans:For any queries related to paper submission contact:

Mr. Shiba Prasad Mohanty
Email Id:
Mobile No.:  8903119925
WhatsApp No.: 8903119925


For registration-related queries contact:
Mr. Ashutosh Kumar
Email Id:
Mobile No.: 9326022370/7506581992
WhatsApp No.: 7506581992