Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination

Revised Launch of NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Examination w.e.f. July 21, 2022.

The Commodity Derivatives examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for associated persons functioning as approved users and sales personnel of the trading members in thecommodity derivatives segment of a recognized stock exchange.

The examination aims to enable a better understanding of various derivatives products available in commodity derivatives markets, regulations and risks associated with the products and the exchange mechanisms of trading, clearing and settlement.

Examination Objectives
On successful completion of the Commodity Derivatives examination, the candidate should:

  • Know the basics of the Indian commodity derivatives markets.
  • Understand various trading strategies that can be built using commodity derivatives.
  • Understand the clearing, settlement and risk management as well as the operational mechanism related to commodity derivatives markets
  • Know the regulatory environment in which the commodity derivatives markets operate in India


Assessment Structure
The NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination will be of 100 marks consisting of 100 questions of 1 mark each, and should be completed in 2 hours. There will be negative marking of 25% of the marks assigned to each question. The passing score for the examination is 60%.

Test Details
Name of Module: NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination

*Negative marking – 25% of the marks assigned to the question.
+Payment Gateway Charges extra.

#Passing Certificate will be issued only to those candidates who have furnished/updated their Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) in their registration details.