NISM/Certification/Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives/2021/01 dated March 25, 2021

Communiqué / Press Release

NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination

This is with reference to NISM/Certification/Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives/2019/01 dated October 11, 2019, specifying that NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination as the requisite standard for associated persons functioning as approved users and sales personnel of the trading members who are registered as such in the commodity derivatives segment of a recognized stock exchange. The examination is being offered to the candidates since October 18, 2019.

In order to incorporate market and regulatory changes, NISM has updated the NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination. The revised NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination will be launched with effect from May 24, 2021.

The NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination with its current content (as per the existing test objective and workbook) will be available to the candidates till May 23, 2021 and will be replaced by the revised examination (as per the revised test objectives and workbook) from May 24, 2021.

Details of the revised examination can be downloaded from the website of NISM.

Details of the revised NISM-Series-XVI: Commodity Derivatives Certification Examination are given in Annexure-I and Annexure-II of this communiqué/press release.

The text of these Annexure and the registration details are available at


Sunil Kadam


National Institute of Securities Markets

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EnclosuresAnnexure I and Annexure II