Guidelines for NISM Exam Candidates

National Institute of Securities Markets
School for Certification of Intermediaries (SCI)

Terms and Conditions:

Candidates registering to appear for any NISM Certification Examination agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained herein:

I. Candidate Registration and Enrolment

1. I agree that the email address provided by me to NISM is a valid email address. I hereby authorize NISM to send important communications, updates and notifications related to NISM Certification Examination, NISM CPE and other activities of NISM to me on this email address.

2. I hereby submit that details provided by me in the online registration form including but not limited to name, PAN, photograph, date of birth, contact details, employer details etc. are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I have supporting documents to verify the authenticity of these details.

3. I am aware that I will be issued a certificate as per my name in the Income Tax records based on my Permanent Account Number (PAN).

4. I agree to upload my recognizable recent passport size photograph (Not older than 06 months) during registration in the format prescribed by NISM. I am aware that in case of any discrepancy in my photograph or other details, NISM/Invigilator/s or Test Administrator/s reserve/s the right to refuse me entry into the Test Centre to appear for the examination. I am aware that in such case/s I will be marked as absent and that neither rescheduling nor refund of fees will be provided to me.

5. I am aware that enrolment and payment once made by me either in online or offline mode are irreversible, and such fees paid by me are non-refundable.

6. I agree that the validity period of my enrolment for an examination is 180 days from the time of enrolment beyond which such enrolment will be deemed as expired and that in such case/s no refund/rescheduling/adjustment will be provided to me.

7. I am aware that I am permitted to reschedule my enrolment for examination by logging into the NISM Certification Portal at least15 calendar days prior to my examination date and that such rescheduling facility can be availed only once by me. I am aware that NISM shall not entertain/permit any rescheduling request after 15 calendar days prior to the examination.

8. I agree that in case I require special accommodation for appearing for NISM Certification Examinations, I shall inform NISM regarding the same by sending the ‘Special Accommodation Form’ in the prescribed format to NISM at least 15 days in advance from the date of requirement and that approval for such Special Accommodation will be provided to me after assessing the need at NISM’s sole discretion. I shall also follow the requisite procedure as stipulated by NISM thereof. I am also aware that NISM does not guarantee such accommodation and that NISM’s decision in this regard shall be final, binding and indisputable.

9. I am aware that in case if I already possess NISM Certificate for a particular Series, I am eligible for further undertaking such examination again only for the purpose of renewal within the last 12 months of the validity of such certificate. I am also aware that in case I undertake and obtain multiple certificates for the same NISM Certification Examination (except for renewals), NISM may take suitable action against me including cancellation/defacing of such certificates and/or debarring me from undertaking NISM Certification Examination/s in future either permanently or for a specified period from any examination as deemed appropriate by NISM.

II. Online Payments

10. I am aware that NISM shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the decline of authorization for any Transaction, on Account of the Cardholder having exceeded the preset limit mutually agreed by NISM with acquiring bank from time to time.

III. Study Material and Admit Card

11. I am aware that Study Material and/or Admit card/s are generally issued after successful enrolment for NISM certification examination and that relevant Study Material and/or Admit Card/s are issued only to those candidates who have successfully enrolled for the NISM Certification Examination and have provided requisite payment to NISM and that such payment has been successfully realized by NISM and that such candidature is approved by NISM.

12. I am aware that Study Material and/or Admit Card/s for NISM Certification Examinations are provided by NISM only in soft copy form and that no physical copies are issued by NISM.

IV. Reporting for Examination at Test Centre

13. By enrolling for NISM Certification Examination I am aware that the examination begins at the designated slot start time, therefore, I agree to report to the Test Centre 30 minutes prior to the designated slot start time of my examination.

14. I accept that the invigilator/s reserves the right to refuse me entry into the Test Centre to appear for examination if I do not report 30minutes prior to my designated slot start time. I am aware that in such case/s I will be marked as absent and that no refund/rescheduling/adjustment will be provided to me.

15. I agree that I will not be allowed to enter the exam premises in case of late reporting at the Test Centre.

16. I agree that for appearing in the examination I need to carry following documents at the Test Centre:

a. Printout of Admit Card

b. Any one of the following Photo Identity proofs in original at the Test Centre :
PAN Card
UID (Aadhar Card) *
Driving License

Any of these documents stored in Digi-Locker, provided such document has the candidate’s photograph embedded in it.

* In case I am producing E-Aadhar copy as Identity proof then, I may be required to
download the E-Aadhar (pdf document) from the UIDAI website in presence of
invigilator for further verification.

I am aware that in absence of Admit Card, Original Photo Identity proof mentioned above, I shall not be permitted to appear for NISM Certification Examination/s.

17. In the event I am not providing these documents and/or in case of any discrepancy in relation to verification of my identity, NISM/Invigilator/s or Test Administrator/s reserve the right to refuse me entry into the Test Centre to appear for the exam. Such discrepancy may include but not limited to mismatch of my name in registration form against that available on my identity proof, mismatch of my photograph in the registration form against that available on my identity proof, physical mismatch of a candidate against the photograph provided in the registration form, etc. I am aware that in such case/s I will be marked as absent and that no refund/rescheduling/adjustment will be provided to me.

18. I agree to bring my own calculator and pen for the purpose of examination. I am aware that the Calculator should be silent while operated, should not have any computer connectivity and should be of 6 functions and 12 digits. I agree to keep all my belongings including but not limited to books, papers, mobile phones, tablet PCs, cameras, other gadgets etc. in switched off mode outside the Test Centre or in the locker assigned to me.

19. I agree to maintain decorum at the Test Centre and will not disturb any other candidate.

20. I am also aware that NISM will not be responsible in any manner whatsoever for loss/theft of my personal belongings.

V. During the Examination

21. I agree that I shall only occupy the seat assigned to me by the Invigilator only.

22. I am aware that I have to formally sign the attendance sheet provided to me by invigilator/s as per the signature on PAN Card, after successful verification of my identity against my name and photograph.

23. I am aware that I have to maintain complete silence at the Test Centre and/or not move out of my allotted seat during the examination unless granted permission by the invigilator/s.

24. I shall not disturb/communicate with other candidate/s while the examination is in progress. In case I have a query/doubt during the examination, I shall remain seated and raise my hand until invigilator/s attends to the matter.

25. I accept to use only my designated rough sheet/s provided to me by the invigilator for doing rough work only, and I shall return the same to the invigilator before leaving out of the examination hall.

26. I am aware I cannot carry/consume any kind of eatables and drinks inside the Test Centre and also cannot enter the Test Centre in an inebriated/intoxicated state.

27. I am aware that I may be under CCTV surveillance at all times during the invigilation and conduct of examination and that my activities etc. may be recorded by NISM/Test Administrator etc. and that such recordings may be disclosed with third-parties such as auditors, local police authorities etc. as may be deemed appropriate by NISM.

28. I have read NISM Policy on Policy on Unfair Means, Cheating, Forgery, Impersonation, etc. in examination (Annexure -1‘Policy on Unfair Means, Cheating, Forgery, Impersonation, etc.’) and I promise to abide by it in letter and spirit.

29. I agree that the decision of the Invigilator/s conducting the examination shall be final and binding on me during the conduct of the examination.

VI. After the examination

30. I shall leave the examination hall only after submitting my examination and after being granted permission by invigilator/s to do so. I am aware that, in case, I leave the Test Centre/Area without submitting the examination or otherwise, I shall be disqualified from such examination and that no refund/rescheduling/adjustment will be provided to me.

31. I agree that I shall submit all physical papers including admit card and rough sheets etc. with the invigilator before leaving the Test Centre.

32. I agree that I shall leave the Test Centre quietly after final submission of my examination. If required, I shall collect my scorecard from the invigilator/s after final submission of my examination.

33. I agree that NISM shall be entitled to recover from me any loss and/or damage of any nature suffered by it directly or indirectly as a consequence of a breach of the instructions mentioned herein by me and/or any act/s of me causing such loss/damage.

VII. Certificate Issuance

34. I am aware that Certificates are generally issued within 10-15 working days from the date of the examination.

35. I am aware that I will be allowed to have only one NISM Certificate per examination. In case I appear and successfully pass the same NISM Certification Examination multiple number of times even though my earlier NISM certificates are still in force, except in case of renewal in the last 12 months of validity of such certificate, then Certificate requests against such enrolments shall be summarily rejected/such certificates may be defaced by NISM.

36. I am also aware that Certificates are issued only to that candidate/s who have successfully passed the NISM Certification Examination and have provided valid PAN details and that such PAN details are successfully verified by NISM against the Income-Tax Database and that such Certificates are approved by NISM.

37. I am aware that Certificates for NISM Certification Examinations are provided only in soft copy form and that no physical copies are issued by NISM.

38. I am aware that in such case/s wherein Candidate/s has passed NISM Certification Examination but had not provided his/her PAN information in the registration form which has been verified by NISM at the time of taking the certification examination, Candidate/s may obtain the certificate/s only if he/she furnish his/her PAN details by updating his/her correct PAN details in NISM records by logging into his/her online account and sending scanned image of his/her PAN card through email to: for verification by NISM and that all such certificate/s are subject to approval by NISM.

39. I agree that NISM reserves the right to cancel any examination at any time, not to issue certificate to any candidate/s who appeared in the examination conducted by NISM either at its own Test Centre/s and/or at the Test Centre/s of the respective Test Administrator/s, prevent issue of certificate/s to any candidate/s, deface any certificate/s issued to any candidate/s and/or if any kind of anomaly is observed by, and/or reported to, NISM at any time, NISM may require the candidate/s to reappear for the examination, without assigning any reason/s whatsoever.

40. NISM may audit applications on a random basis. Applications chosen for audit would be required to submit the necessary documentation to NISM, such as employment details, educational certificates, PAN Card, Address proof, or any other relevant details within 30 calendar days. If such documents are not received, certificates for such candidates would be cancelled.

VIII. Validity Period of Certificate

41. I am aware that the validity of such certificate/s issued subject to approval by NISM to the candidate/s is 3 years from the date of successful completion of the NISM exam.

IX. Agreement to NISM Policies

42. I agree to abide by the Policy on Unfair means, Cheating, Forgery, Impersonation etc. specified herein as Annexure-1 by NISM.

43. I agree to abide by the Privacy Policy specified herein as Annexure-2 by NISM.

44. I agree to abide by the Refund Policy specified herein as Annexure-3 by NISM:

45. I agree to abide by the Re-evaluation Policy specified herein as Annexure-4 by NISM.

X. Declaration

46. By confirming that I have read and accepted the above Terms and Conditions, I confirm that I understand and agree that in the event of my non-compliance with any of the above Terms and Conditions, my exam result will become void and I shall not be eligible for any refund/rescheduling/adjustment. Furthermore, in the event of my non-compliance with any of the above Terms and Conditions, I hereby agree that details relating to my identity and the reasons for my non-compliance with the relevant exam regulations can be disclosed to Third parties for necessary disciplinary action/criminal investigation as considered suitable by NISM and which shall be final, binding and indisputable for me.

Annexure -1

‘’Policy on Unfair Means, Cheating, Forgery, Impersonation, etc.’’

The following act/s shall be deemed as adoption of Unfair Means:

1. Gaining access to test questions before the examination or aiding someone else to do so.

2. Communicating with and / or disturbing other candidates or consulting other persons inside/outside the examination room during the examination.

3. Being in possession of books, notes, typed sheets or any other material connected or not connected with the examination

4. Carrying and/or using the electronic/photographic/communication devices/equipment that are prohibited during the examinations including but not limited to mobile phones, laptops, tablet PCs, cameras, headphones, pen-drives, Bluetooth devices, etc.

5. Taking breaks to move out of your allotted seat at the test centre without the consent of the invigilator.

6. Threatening or physically or verbally abusing or indulging in any kind of misbehaviour with invigilator / fellow candidates or any person connected with the conduct of examination either inside or outside the examination hall.

7. Using abusive or obscene language/symbols through any means within the premises of the Test Centre.

8. Disclosing, publishing, reproducing, transmitting, storing, or facilitating transmission, theft and storage of the contents of the Question bank/corresponding answers of NISM Certification examination or any information therein in whole or part thereof in any form or by any means, verbal or written (e.g.: smuggling rough sheet out of examination hall), electronically or mechanically for any purpose. Such activities shall be deemed as question bank theft.

9. Pestering the invigilator for issues including but not limited to extra time allotment, allowing to sit for exam in absence of necessary id proofs/documents etc. even if the invigilator has withheld the request at first instance.

10. Carrying and/or consuming food and/or carrying/consuming alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages etc. excluding drinking water or entering the Test Centre in an inebriated/intoxicated state inside the examination hall.

11. Carrying and/or using weapons/scissor/knife etc. inside the examination hall.

Following Disciplinary actions will be undertaken with immediate effect in case of Candidate/s caught adopting any of the aforementioned act/s of Unfair means during the course of examination:

1. Candidate/s caught guilty of adopting any of above act/s of unfair means shall be expelled from the examination hall immediately and examination of such candidate/s including the outcome shall be terminated/cancelled right away. Candidate/s in possession of such prohibited item/s as specified above including but not limited to mobile phones, books etc., such item/s shall be confiscated immediately by the invigilator/s

2. Such Candidate/s identity and communication details shall be noted down by invigilator for reporting to NISM.

3. If a candidate/s had passed such examination, the certificate/s shall not be issued against such examination.

4. Any Request for reappearing or refund of fees shall not be entertained against the respective enrolment/s.

5. For Candidate/s indulging in the theft of Question bank in any form as reported by invigilator/s, strict disciplinary action will be taken as considered suitable by NISM including but not limited to filing an FIR (First Information Report) with the local police authorities and / or debarring the candidate/s from appearing for any, some or all of the NISM certification examinations in the future, etc.

6. In regard to all examination related activities at the Test centre the invigilator/s decision shall be final and binding except when invigilator/s is held guilty/accused by test centre staff of collusion with candidate/s as applicable in invigilator manual.

The following act/s shall be deemed as Cheating:

1. Receiving or giving assistance to the fellow candidate/s directly or indirectly or involved in copying in any form including but not limited to looking into any other workstation different from the allotted one during the exam, etc.

2. Receiving any outside help in any form

3. Indulging in group copying/making sounds/unsolicited gestures to hint at answers etc. during the course of the examination.

Following Disciplinary actions will be implemented with immediate effect in case of Candidate/s caught adopting any of the aforementioned act/s of Cheating during the course of examination:

1. Candidate/s guilty of adopting any of the above acts of cheating shall be issued a Prohibitive-Warning at the first instance.

2. If the same candidate/s is caught guilty of any of above acts the second time, Candidate/s shall be expelled from the examination hall immediately and examination of such candidate/s including its outcome shall be terminated/cancelled.

3. Such Candidate/s identity and communication details shall be noted down by invigilator/s for reporting to NISM.

4. If a candidate/s had passed such examination, the certificate/s shall not be issued against such examination.

5. Any Request for reappearing or refund of fees shall not be entertained against the respective enrolment/s.

6. In regard to all examination related activities at the Test centre the invigilator/s decision shall be final and binding except when invigilator/s is held guilty/accused by test centre staff of collusion with candidate/s as applicable in invigilator manual.

The following act/s shall be deemed as Impersonation:

1. Appearing for examination for another candidate or arranging to have another person take an examination for the candidate.

2. Allowing/Making somebody else write answers on candidate’s behalf during the examination.

3. Helping or receiving help from other candidates to impersonate.

4. Signing Attendance sheet on somebody else’s behalf, either partially or completely

5. Moving onto another candidate’s workstation during the course of the examination.

Following Disciplinary actions will be implemented with immediate effect in case of Candidate/s caught adopting any of the aforementioned act/s of Impersonation during the course of examination:

1. If a candidate/s is caught guilty of any of above acts of impersonation, Candidate/s shall be expelled from the examination hall immediately and examination of such candidate/s including the outcome shall be terminated/cancelled.

2. Such Candidate/s identity and communication details shall be noted down by invigilator/s for reporting to NISM.

3. Impersonation is a cognizable offence and strictest disciplinary action shall be taken to punish the candidate/s caught guilty as considered suitable by NISM including but not limited to filing an FIR (First Information Report) with the local police authorities.

4. The candidate/s shall be debarred from appearing from any, some or all of NISM Certification Examinations for a period of 6 months or more as applicable which NISM finds suitable in its disciplinary action pursuant to the investigation report. The final decision of NISM shall be binding and undisputable.

5. If a candidate/s had passed such examination, the certificate/s shall not be issued against such examination.

6. Any Request for reappearing or refund of fees shall not be entertained against the respective enrolment/s.

7. In regard to all examination related activities at the Test centre the invigilator/s decision shall be final and binding except when invigilator/s is held guilty/accused by test centre staff of collusion with candidate/s as applicable in invigilator manual

The following act/s shall be deemed as Forgery:

1. Any document or part thereof pertaining to NISM Certification Examinations including but not limited to identity proof of candidate/s, admit card/s, scorecard etc. is altered using any of the methods of forgery including but not limited to handwriting, printing, engraving, typewriting etc. and/or such document is produced with the intent to defraud.

2. Any document or part thereof pertaining to NISM Certification Examinations including but not limited to identity proof of candidate/s, admit card/s, score card etc. is materially different from the records available with NISM.

3. Any other act which is similar in nature and may be deemed as an act of forgery by NISM

Following Disciplinary actions will be implemented with immediate effect in case of Candidate/s caught adopting any of the aforementioned act/s of Forgery during the course of examination:

1. If a candidate/s is caught guilty of any of above acts of impersonation, Candidate/s shall be expelled from the examination hall immediately and examination of such candidate/s including the outcome shall be terminated /cancelled.

2. Such Candidate/s identity and communication details shall be noted down by invigilator/s for reporting to NISM.

3. Forgery is a cognizable offence and strictest disciplinary action shall be taken to punish the candidate/s caught guilty as considered suitable by NISM including but not limited to filing an FIR (First Information Report) with the local police authorities.

4. The candidate/s shall be debarred from appearing from any, some or all of NISM Certification Examinations for a period of 6 months or more as applicable, which NISM finds suitable in its disciplinary action pursuant to the investigation report. The final decision of NISM shall be binding and indisputable.

5. If a candidate/s had passed such examination, the certificate/s shall not be issued against such examination.

6. Any Request for reappearing or refund of fees shall not be entertained against the respective enrolment/s.

7In regard to all examination related activities at the Test centre the invigilator/s decision shall be final and binding except when invigilator/s is held guilty/accused by test centre staff of collusion with candidate/s as applicable in invigilator manual.

The process adopted by NISM to deal with cases pertaining to Unfair means, Cheating, Forgery, Impersonation, etc.

NISM shall initiate the following action against such party/s involved (referred to as concerned party/s hereafter) either by suo-moto or upon receipt of complaint by invigilator/test centre staff responsible for the conduct of exam regarding alleged adoption of forgery of documents/Impersonation etc. (related to NISM Certification Examinations) :

1) NISM shall appoint an investigation officer/s from the concerned department

2) The above investigation officer/s shall carry out an investigation in the matter and a detailed investigation report shall be submitted after completion of 21 days to the Disciplinary Action Committee (referred to as Disciplinary committee hereafter) consisting of the following members :

a) Registrar, NISM

b) Dean, SCI

c) Senior vice President (Legal and Compliance)

3) The Investigation officer/s shall issue written communication to concerned party/s allegedly involved in forgery/impersonation, etc. seeking explanation regarding the matter. The concerned party/s will be required to provide an explanation within 15 working days from the issuance of such communication.

4) The above Disciplinary committee shall assess the report and relevant documents and will convene a hearing on the case at a convenient date.

5) The Investigation officer/s shall notify the date of such hearing to the concerned party/s in writing. The concerned party/s shall attend such a hearing on the notified date in person.

6) The concerned party/s are not allowed to be represented by Advocates / legal officers etc. or any other persons.

7) If the concerned party/s is found guilty, the Disciplinary Committee shall recommend any, some or all of the following actions:

1. Non Issuance/Cancellation/Defacing of NISM Certificates related to forgery.

2. Non Issuance/Cancellation/Defacing of NISM Certificates related to subsequent attempts by the concerned party/s.

3. Debarring such concerned party/s for a period of at least 6 months from the date of final hearing regarding the case.

4. Any other action as may be deemed appropriate including but not limited to the filing of First Information Report (FIR) with the police authorities, etc.

8) The action recommended shall be communicated in writing to the concerned party/s. and also to NISM Test Administrators if required for necessary actions (such as debarring the concerned party/s from enrolments) at their end.

Annexure -2

‘’Privacy Policy’’

1. At the time of Registration/Enrolment for NISM Certification Examination, NISM may collect following information

a. Complete Name and Address of candidate

b. Contact Information including email address, mobile number

c. Date of Birth, PAN details

d. Educational Qualification, occupational details

e. Any other information relevant for NISM Certification Examination.

2. NISM does not sell; distribute personal information to third parties. However, NISM may use personal information to send its promotional material.

3. NISM reserves the right to share personal and examination/enrolment related information on various portals of NISM for information to its stakeholders registered through the website; By using this website, the user gives its consent for the sharing of information by NISM.

4. The website does not use any Cookies.

5. NISM does not have any control over other websites which may contain link to this website. NISM shall not be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information provided on such sites, since such sites are not governed by this policy.

6. NISM in addition to stakeholders may disclose personal information in the following situations: (a) In response to a court order or legal process, to the extent permitted and required by law (b) to address actual or suspected fraud or other illegal activities.

7. NISM may change this privacy policy by updating this page. Please check this page to be aware of any changes.

8. For any question or concerns about this policy, please e-mail NISM on or contact on +91-8080806756

Annexure -3

‘’Refund Policy’’

1. Fees once paid through the payment gateway shall not be refunded other than in the following circumstances:

· Multiple times debiting of Candidate Card/Bank Account due to technical error OR Candidate’s account being debited with an excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error. In such cases, excess amount including Payment Gateway charges would be refunded to the candidate.

· Due to technical error, payment being charged on the Candidate Card/Bank Account but the enrolment for the examination is unsuccessful. The candidate would be provided with the enrolment by NISM at no extra cost. However, if in such cases, candidate wishes to seek a refund of the amount, he/she would be refunded net the amount, after deduction of Payment Gateway charges or any other charges.

2. The Candidate will have to make an application for refund along with the transaction number and original payment receipt if any generated at the time of making payments.

3. The application in the prescribed format should be sent to

4. The application will be processed manually and after verification, if the claim is found valid, the amount received in excess will be refunded by NISM through electronic mode in favour of the applicant and confirmation sent to the mailing address given in the online registration form, within a period of 7-10 calendar days on receipt of such claim.

5. In case of any queries, please call NISM Certification Helpdesk on 022-61115555 or write to

Annexure -4

‘’Re-evaluation Policy‘’

1. No re-evaluation of the performance of candidates appearing for Certification Examination conducted by NISM (Mandatory and Non-Mandatory examination) is permitted since the assessment of answers, with respect to Certification Examinations questions which are in the nature of the selection of only one correct answer from multiple choices offered, is carried out in an objective manner by in-built system architecture created for Certification Examination without any scope for human intervention and subjectivity element. Also, considering the examination structure, no disclosure of the questions and/or answers is permitted as it will violate the confidentiality of the question bank, which is the essence of the examination. In view of the above, no communication regarding re-evaluation, etc. will be entertained/serviced by NISM.” Subject to the above request/s received from a candidate for resolution of doubts about a question forming part of such examination will be considered as per the following policy:

A. Candidate’s request/s will be considered only when he/she specifically mentions particular question or two which he/she thinks contain errors. Claims/ to recheck more than two questions shall normally be not permitted unless substantive material is provided by the candidate as to why he/she considers errors in such questions. In no case, claim/s to recheck all the questions appeared in his/her question paper shall be entertained.

B. No request/s to disclose/discuss question/s and/or their answers shall be entertained as disclosure of the question/s will violate the essence of the question bank viz. breach the confidentiality/secrecy of the Question bank.

C. Only those request/s made on-the-spot (before leaving the test centre) will be considered for verification.

D. When a valid request is received from a candidate at the Test Centre, it shall be forwarded by the respective TA to NISM. NISM’s team will look into claim relating to the contested question/s to verify whether there is a mistake in the question or answer. If it is prima facie found that the question or answer contains a mistake, no score will be computed and consequently no score card will be issued then at the Test Centre.

E. Such matter will then be escalated with the question / answer to the Committee with the details of the nature of error, the correct version of the question or contested correct answer and system recognized correct answer. The Committee, after due diligence and proper scrutiny, will arrive at a conclusion whether the claim made by a candidate in relation to a question or answer is right. Such conclusion will be recorded in writing and put up for formal approval to the authority of NISM.

F. Score computation, kept in abeyance as per point 4, shall be carried based on the approval as per point–5. Such scorecard will then be issued to the candidate by TA/NISM.

G. Even though NISM endeavours best efforts and has put in place a robust mechanism to review its question bank intermittently, attributable to continuous changes taking place emanating from dynamics of the market, encompassing products and features, and its regulatory framework, there is a possibility of inadvertently escaping some addition and/or escaping indirect impact on some question/answer. Therefore, to take care of such eventuality, the above process of entertaining request from the candidate in relation to the question/answer is put in place.

The above policy and process will be subject to review from time to time and shall be binding and final in relation to any claim and/or matter when disposed of with the approval of the authority of NISM.