Shashi Kumar is an Executive Director (ED) at SEBI. An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay) he also has an MBA in Finance from Mumbai University. He joined SEBI in 1996 and presently as ED, he is overseeing the Office of Investor Assistance and Education, the Department of Economic and Policy Analysis, matters related National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) and General Services Department (GSD) – Protocol & Security Division (P&S), Official Language Division (OLD), Board Cell, RTI & PQ Cell.
In the over 28 years of working at SEBI, Shashi has seen the evolution of the securities market regulatory framework in India from close quarters and has expertise spanning matters related to trading, clearing, settlement, risk management, surveillance, and enforcement. He was instrumental in the seamless integration of the commodity derivatives market with securities markets and the subsequent deepening of the market and introduction of new products and players.
In the course of his career in SEBI, as Executive Assistant (EA) to the Chairman SEBI for three plus years, Shashi was in charge of the Office of Chairman (OCH) having an overview of the functioning of SEBI. He also handled, for several years, the responsibilities of the SEBI’s Office of International Affairs (OIA), which coordinates the engagements of SEBI with various international organizations such as IOSCO, FSB etc. as well as with counterparts in regulatory bodies. Shashi has also handled responsibilities of Surveillance Department and Market Regulation Department, which deals with Market Infrastructure Institutions (MIIs). His experience includes roles in the AFD Department handling Alternative Investment Funds, Venture Capital Funds and Foreign Portfolio Investors and also in enforcement as an Adjudication and Enquiry Officer involving passing of quasi-judicial orders.
Over the last more than two and half decades Shashi has had the opportunity and privilege of representing SEBI in various national and international forums for regulatory framework setting, knowledge sharing and capacity building initiatives.